That girl ♥

My photo
They call her Inna. She's a junior high school student. She's doing everything to make her family proud.She's not and never will be perfect. But she want things to go perfectly. She loves to talk even though sometimes she doesn't know that she's not making sense anymore. Some people thought that she's fragile but the truth is she really thinks she's more than that. She's naive. She's no fun at all. She's reckless. She is a contradiction of herself. Maybe a hypocrite. Maybe confused She is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in yet not brave enough to face the world alone. She always expect that happy endings exist. And a ballerina, who's insane over SF.

Marry Your Daughter


I got teary eyed when I heard this song :') Awww!


Oh my! Soo cute! 

It's Him and Me <3 <3 <3


Photography Graphics
Ballet, my passion


Get to know me better


  If  I’m in a good mood and I’m with my friends, I tend to be in a sunny disposition. I like to be crazy, I like to laugh my heart out and just have fun. I’m girly at heart, feminine and I like to get dressed up especially on a big event. I don’t know why but dressing and primping myself up makes me happy. I’m a literature lover. I love to read books, books that give a lot of insights. I’m not usually the adviser of my friends but I can give healthy and helpful advices. If I am comfortable with a person, we could be best buds and I’m willing to give a lot of my kindness and love. I’m definitely a good friend as long as that we are at ease with each other.  Most of the time I want to be with people who share the same interest with me. For me, it’s not that hard to get along with people who like what i like. It is fun that i know the things she knows. It’s like you share common views and lifestyle. I may not be a walking ray of sunshine but I know how to make my best friends happy. I’m very idealistic, that’s why I’m into fairy tales, happily ever after and prince charming. I’m both serious and young at heart. I love to travel a lot. Seeing new places gives me enough endorphins that makes me happy. If I’m so stressful or sad a quick trip to the mall for a retail therapy, a good massage, ice cream, nerds or skittles, a phone call from Anthony, a good book and staying in bed with scented candles are the solutions. There are a lot of solutions eh? I am quintessential music lover. I love to play the piano and I know a little bit of guitar. But strumming the strings of it hurts that’s why I prefer playing the piano.  But seriously, it’s not really my thing. It’s my big sister’s. Anyways, mine  is ballet. I’m a ballet freak. I do get bruises, blisters, cuts on my feet but the show must go on. As they say: Grace glides on blistered feet. When I was young I wanted to learn ballet because of the sparkly tutu’s and tiaras they wear during the show.  But as I grew old it’s about the skill, the feeling of achievement, the essence of grace and discipline to me.  It requires determination, dedication and perseverance to be good at something. People label me as childish and immature , but i don't know why. But this year I want to change that. I want people to see me as a resposinble, young lady.


Love and Growing up


        I remember when I had my first broken heart. It felt like the end-of-the-world thing, so painful & sad. I cried almost everyday. In school, every night, every time i think about it tears just fall down on my cheeks. There are times in school that I would just hug a friend or hide my face just so i could hide myself to him from crying. And my friends always remind me that I shouldn't act that way. I wasn't the one who gave up, he did. I was torn apart that moment. The hardest thing about breaking up is that all of your dreams, everything you hope for and wanted to do in your life will be changed. All of your dreams that you have been built with that person will never come true. That's reality, and after that is moving on. I lost my spark and my own sunshine. And then there comes my best friend. He's not really prince charming but more like my knight in shining armor.  Since well he was the one who healed my broken heart. I felt much better ever since. I decided that i should be back at the game. I flirted and dated couple of guys. But I have no interest in having a serious relationship. I just wanted to have some fun an patch up my heart using boys around me. I felt so guilty about what i'm doing to my best friend. He was the one who tried , fought , waited for 3 years.  But it wasn't enough he's not just the one form me. He's just a best friend to me. I'm not feeling the same way he felt towards me. Of course I felt bad for keeping his hopes high for the both of us. I tried to love him but it doesn't feet right. I really think he deserves someone who will love him whole heartedly. That's why I let him go.

       And then I felt like I had always wished for someone who would make me happy, treat me the way I deserve to be treated, and love me the way that I would love them. That wish had never come true until I met you, and then suddenly, I had this feeling rush over me, and then I knew. You were the one, you were the one that I had been wishing for, and it finally came true. And for that, I started believing in love again.


I don’t feel so all okay right now. I just wish people really listen to what I have to say or understand me.  Instead of saying useless things about me, pulling me down and worst, making me think in breaking my own wrist just to let all these come to end. I know, I’m childish sometimes. I make numerous mistakes, say things that I wish I didn’t. One word, imperfect. But if you’ll just look around and see others, maybe, just maybe, you’ll notice that I’m far better than them, far better than what you think about me. :(

Feelings today:
-A bit lonely
-A bit happy
-A bit okay
-Stressed because of cramming



           LOVE at first sight, I guess and his impressive skills at SF. Then that was it, he simply stole my heart. Now I'm happily in love with him. I never wanted anyone anymore. He completes me. Yes baby, I can’t live without you. And I am so excited about forever.. ‘coz I’m pretty much sure that I’ll be spending forever with you.. I love you Anthony <3

This isn't the end of our story because it still goes on...

"Love wasn’t possible in just a couple of days. Love could be set in motion quickly, but true love needed time to grow into something strong and enduring. Love was, above all, about commitment and dedication and a belief that spending years with a certain person would create something greater than the sum of what the two can accomplish separately.” 


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Absolutely not your typical teenage girl..©2008
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